Who’s Your Guide?

Deb Halvorson

We all have a Guide within us. Most of the time, we don’t acknowledge it as Our Guide, but it’s definitely there… just waiting to be called upon.

Now, before we go any further with all this Guide-talk, close your eyes and visualize yourself stepping out of your protected comfort circle. When we courageously step out of our self-imposed comfort zone and see beyond the limits of our beliefs, we can then access our Guide within.

Your Guide is your inner leader. Your visionary who is always present whether you know it or not. It’s that calm, wise whispering voice within each of us that is filled with compassion, clarity, certainty, and courage. Your Guide believes in you completely. Your Guide is fearless and relentless in pursuit of what’s best for you. Your Guide has always been a part of you - you were born with it.

For many of us, it’s difficult to hear our Guide. Our inner critic can be SO LOUD. You know what I’m talking about- that critical inner voice telling us we shouldn’t take risks, we might fail, we’re not good enough, we’re not strong enough, don’t rock the boat, stay within your comfort zone, blah, blah, blah. Such a loud annoying voice, isn’t it? It takes patience and commitment to hear and FOLLOW your Guide’s wise whispering voice. Your Guide is your true, authentic, real self. It’s that huge part of you that is wise, strong, compassionate, and courageous. It’s the risk-taker. Here’s your challenge for this week: Find your Guide. Live from your Guide. Rise up and get BIG.

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