Welcome to the podcast section. This section includes podcasts in which I have been interviewed. Each interview contains information about my story, my healing journey, my resilience, and my gained empowerment. Each interview also contains questions and information about my book Out of the Basement – Beyond Surviving Sexual Assault. I hope you find them helpful in your healing process.
Thank you to each podcast host for allowing me to share these podcasts.
In this episode, Deborah shares her personal story and we look into the profound impact of sexual assault, exploring how it leaves lasting scars on the mind, body, and spirit. Survivors often carry a heavy burden of shame, self-blame, and a pervasive sense of insecurity. However, healing and empowerment are within reach. Deborah Halvorson, a renowned Beyond Surviving Coach, shares her personal story and years of trauma, revealing how she was able to heal and now dedicates her life to helping others.
Click to watchThere’s a Japanese proverb that says “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” That’s the definition of resilience. Every time we get back up we become more resilient.
I believe a single year is made up of 365 opportunities – at least. Opportunity is everywhere.
We all have a Guide within us. Most of the time, we don’t acknowledge it as Our Guide, but it’s definitely there… just waiting to be called upon.
There's an old adage that says "The things we resist, persist." Isn't that the truth? Ask yourself "What am I resisting?"
A LOT! Remember all those times when FEAR stopped you from doing what you really wanted to do? You see, FEAR talks to us.
Admittedly, not many people walk around bearing or carrying their own personal flag. But if we did, if that type of behavior was commonplace, what would your flag be?
Take a look at your life today. Where are you? Are you where you want to be? Are you just about there? Do you wish you were somewhere else?
The dictionary defines compassionate as “showing kindness and empathy to others.” So, to be a compassionate person all I need to do is show kindness and empathy to others, right?
We all know life is hard, messy, and full of adversity. Not many will argue with that. But what is it that continues to move us forward in spite of the hard times and adversity? It is JOY.
If you don’t like the word “tolerating,” try one of these: bearing; enduring; stomaching; allowing; putting up with. So, ask the question again using one of the other words.
Thoughtfully answer that question. Now, does your answer describe who you are? If you often see others as powerful but not yourself, why is that?
The next time you have a conversation with your partner, boss, close friend, or family member honestly ask yourself “Am I being nice or am I being real?” Think about it. What does it mean to be “nice”? What does it mean to be “real”?